2020 Mid Year

Covid 19 Crisis Met With Low Inventory & High Demand

Despite a lull in transactions caused by the initial COVID panic, buyer demand has come back full force and helped to keep the needle hovering around the historical average for medical office assets nationally. Overall, asset value has had a positive trajectory with cap rates dropping by 111 basis point and prince per square foot increasing by $3 over the last two quarters. Metros that were met with lulls were offset by growth markets such as Miami, Tampa, and Austin that saw a massive spike in transaction volume over the first half of 2020. It is safe to say that the first half of 2020 medical office statistics do not provide a clear indicator of what is to come.

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As The TICI Group of Companies moves forward, the shareholders are reminded that it all began over a century ago with a vision of Lucretia Mendiola in 1911. It is instilled in the same vein for the third generation to deliver the same values, work ethic and integrity for generations to come.


Information About Brokerage Services and TREC Consumer Protection Notice

Helen Banks


Jay Banks
